Want Younger Looking Skin: 10 Foods You Should Avoid Or Eat Limited To Stay Young And Away Wrinkle | UGOOD

Want Younger Looking Skin: 10 Foods You Should Avoid Or Eat Limited To Stay Young And Away Wrinkle


If you are searching for younger looking skin products, then maybe you have spent money for anti-ageing cosmetics. As you know, there are factors like stress, sun and smoking which also contribute to speeding up ageing. Also, if we consume much unhealthy foods, it will make you age faster.

In this article we are going to share with you 10 foods you should avoid or eat limited to stay young and away wrinkle

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10 Foods You Should Avoid If You Want Younger Looking Skin And Stay Away Wrinkle

1. Deep Fried foods

Cooking foods at high temperatures increases inflammatory compounds known as advanced glycation end-products or a GES and yes AGe’s do indeed age you. They encourage oxidative stress and inflammation in your body which can speed up your aging. High levels of AG ease in your body has been linked to:

  • osteoporosis niro degeneration
  • heart disease
  • stroke
  • and other age-related diseases

while some age e’s occur naturally in your body. 

2. Processed meats

Processed meats processed meats like salami bacon and sausages. These meat have become an integral part of a daily diet. But they can really speed up the aging process. This is due to the presence of preservatives and sulfites in these meats. Which are pro-inflammatory make you look older.

Additionally, the high amounts of salt in these processed meats boost your water retention make you look puffy. Processed meats also contain nitrates and other compounds. Which are known to be pro-inflammatory inflammation causes aging from the inside. The saturated fat in these meats is responsible for ageing your heart.

You can replace these processed meats with lean meats such as:

  • chicken
  • turkey
  • or simply load up on more greens

instead for slowing down your ageing.

3. Salty foods

Eating too much salt is lead to:

  • excess amount of sodium in your blood.
  • causes water retention in your body and the skin.
  • makes you feel bloated
  • and makes your skin look puffy tired and aged
  • high-salt foods also cause dehydration.

They’re also known to damage the DNA by shortening the telomeres which accelerates ageing. This is the reason why most detox diets involve little to no salt. Sodium is important for the body. But can wreak havoc on your skin and health if consumed in high quantities. So always try to keep your salt intake to a minimum

4. Fast foods

Want Younger Looking Skin: 10 Foods You Should Avoid Or Eat Limited To Stay Young And Away Wrinkle
Fast Foods Make Skin Stiff and Dull


Fast foods loaded with harmful trans fats which caused:

  • blockages within your arteries
  • result in storage of fat in your body.
  • makes your skin appear stiff and dull
  • reduce the fluidity of your cells
  • put a burden on your liver
  • and exert inflammatory effects within your body
  • leading to older stiffer and more wrinkled skin

Refrain from eating fast foods like: pizza, hamburgers and french fries …etc. You can replace the unhealthier versions of these fast foods with healthier versions like:

  • meatless pizzas
  • quinoa burgers
  • and baked fries

Read more: 8 Heart Healthy Foods Help To Clean Arteries Naturally And Prevent A Heart Attack

5. Alcohol

Alcohol affects the liver, damaged or slowed in its ability to function well and flush toxins from your system. The effects like acne wrinkles and sallowness are visible on your skin. Alcohol consumption can also prevent you from good sleep which is necessary for replenishing your skin. If you can’t sleep well, your skin misses out on the important repair time. It is visible with:

  • effectively older looking skin,
  • dark circles
  • and puffy eyes

You can replace heavy alcohol with light beer and red wine but don’t do it every day

6. Carbohydrates

Wheat carbs and wheat products are carbohydrates which converted to sugar.  Eating more Carbohydrates will cause:

  • higher blood sugar
  • lead to wrinkled skin
  • weight gain
  • make you look and feel older

Always try to keep carbs in check and unless you need the energy for a workout. It’s best to grab fresh veggies or grilled chicken to munch on

7. Sugar adding dried fruits

Manufactured dried fruits are loaded with sugars which tend make you gain weight. This can make you look older than you are. They’re also high in sulfites which preserve food but are not always that good for your skin.

If you like to eat healthy dried fruit, make it at home. You could read our recipe of homemade dried fruit: Homemade Dried Apple Chewy Candy: No Sugar Adding, Very Delicious, Very Healthy Snack For Children on our DIY site.

8. Margarine

Margarine is popular nowadays of its low saturated fat content. Actually, people who regularly consumed heavy amounts of margarine have more wrinkles than those who ate less.

Margarine contains harmful polyunsaturated fats. It tend to increase inflammation leading to an increase in oxidative stress Skin will be dry out, dull appearance in the formation of wrinkles.

 Avoid margarine and opt for small amounts of real butter.

9. Sodas and Energy Drinks

Want Younger Looking Skin- 10 Foods You Should Avoid Or Eat Limited To Stay Young And Away Wrinkle 1
Soft Drinks Is Quicker The Cells Age


Sodas and energy drinks have more calories and added sugar. It is quicker the cells in your tissues age. Consume lot of energy drink will cause  weight gain and a higher risk of stroke and dementia.

10. Sugar

Sugar is broken down collagen. It interferes with collagen and elastin which are your skin’s favourite proteins

This binding to collagen can cause wrinkles and sagging of the skin. Processed sugars are also:

  • metabolized faster in your body
  • can lead to high insulin response in the blood high blood
  • speeds up your body’s ageing  process
  • also responsible for making your skin look wrinkly
  • leads to weight gain so that making you look older than you are

it’s just better to keep away from the sweets candies chocolates with processed sugars and donuts.

Dark chocolates are safe as long as they’re made without added sugars.

If you are looking way to take care your skin, then you can read our article: Getting Glowing Skin Naturally At Home: Using These 6 Home Remedies on our Beauty Tips of UGOOD.

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Wishing you health, wealth and happiness. See you in the next topics.


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