11 Tips To Sleep Better And Faster At Night | UGOOD

11 Tips To Sleep Better And Faster At Night

11 Tips To Sleep Better And Faster At Night


This video is share with you 11 tips and tricks for you to sleep better and faster.

Do you often find yourself exhausted during the day, wishing you could go home and take a long nap?You are not alone.

50-70 million adults in the USA have sleep disorders and problems falling asleep at night.

You need at least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night in order to restore cells, build important hormones, repair tissues and reset the body.

People try all sorts of different techniques to get more sleep or even cure their insomnia, but sometimes it’s next to impossible without seeking help from a medical professional.

Table of contents: 

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Here Are 11 Tips For Goodnight Sleep: 

1.Eat At The Right Time

Food can have a huge effect on your quality of sleep.

We know that our bodies function according to a variety of biology and at the right time. Eating schedule is an important factor in determining whether you sleep well or not.

Did you know that if you eat a big meal right before bed it can affect how you sleep that night? This is because it takes your digestive system a longer time to digest big meals, which will, in turn, affect your sleep.


  • Eat protein rich foods such as chicken, tuna, and peanuts. These types of food can help produce serotonin in your body, which can help you relax.
  • Eat food rich in vitamin B1 will help you get better sleep such as: Liver, Pork, Eggs, Fish and Sunflower Seeds…
  • Consuming a nutritional yeast supplement each day, as this is rich in B1 and helps to calm the nervous system, so that you can fall asleep.


  • Try not to sleep on an empty stomach, because empty stomachs can also affect your sleep.

2. No Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant that causes your adrenal glands to pump our more cortisol and adrenaline.

This is found in coffee, tea, chocolate and soda drinks and is one of the most common causes of sleeping problems. Stop consuming these after 5pm, and you may see better results very quickly.

Try to avoid nicotine as well as caffeine. Both have stimulating effects on your body, in turn affecting your sleep.

3. Atmosphere

In order to fall asleep the brain releases a hormone called melatonin. This is made in the pineal gland and helps to regulate your biological body clock.

To trigger melatonin, your brain requires darkness, so turn off your cell phone, TV and lights at least 45 minutes before you wish to sleep. Try not to fall asleep with your TV on. This can also have a negative impact on your sleep.

A dark room helps the brain to produce melatonin so that your mind can enter a sleep state.

Try to make your bedroom an environment which is relaxing, quiet, and clean. You may not know it, but these are things which can vastly improve your quality of sleep.

Also, keep the bedroom temperature between 18*C (64.4*F) and 24*C (75.2*F). Sleeping at this room temperature is best for dramatically improving the quality of your sleep.

4. 5 Second Breaths

There is a simple breathing exercise that you can perform in bed which calms the body and mind.

Simply breathe in to the count of 5, and count to 5 again as you breath out.

This lowers the heart rate, calms the nervous system and relaxes your muscles. Helping your body ready for sleeping.

If you are lazy to read, watch the video 11 ways to help you sleep quicker and easier during the night

Watch video 11 Tips To Sleep Better And Faster At Night

5. Potassium & Magnesium

These are the two key minerals which help you to fall asleep quickly, but also prevent you from waking up prematurely in the early hours.

Magnesium and potassium are electrolytes which help to regulate energy production, and prevent muscle cramps.

The best foods rich in these minerals are leafy greens. Consume these with your evening meals such as:

  • kale
  • beet tops
  • collard greens
  • broccoli
  • celery
  • cabbage

6. Exercise (At The Right Time)

Did you know that your body repairs itself and recovers while you’re sleeping?

This is why people who exercise quite often are more likely to get a full night’s sleep. If you have a sedentary job or avoid exercising, try going for a light jog or even hitting up the gym once in a while. You’ll notice that it works wonders in getting better sleep.

We recommend performing long, 1 hour, gentle walks in the evening. This helps to bring in lots of oxygen to the heart and brain in order to calm you down and help you sleep.

Just be sure that you don’t exercise too close to your bedtime, you can feel your heart rate rising. This energy may keep you up.

7. Keep A Routine

The body has natural waves off hormones which are connected to the circadian rhythm. This is natural internal process that regulates your sleep and wake cycles and repeats each rotation of the planet every 24 hours.

A daily routine helps your body clock gets used to regular, routine tasks and can actually help you get a good night’s rest.

The best time to go to sleep according to this natural rhythm would be around 10:30-10:45pm. If you try to sleep later than this, then you may find it more difficult and have to wait for the next hormonal wave to make you sleepy.

We know how hard this can be, but following this trick is important to making sure you have a healthy sleep. Be consistent with your sleeping pattern and you’ll notice that your sleeping will vastly improve.

8. Stimulation

An hour or so before you plan on sleeping, try to wind down and stop stimulating your mind with the news, television, or information.

The news in particular is a source of stress for many people which can cause problems with your sleep.

Simply relax with some gentle natural sounds, or slow music with a low BPM. A warm water bath is very relaxing for the muscles and the brain.

We recommend adding a few drops of calming essential oils to further trigger relaxation.

9. Sleep Comfortable

This sounds pretty obvious, but sleeping supplies make a big difference to whether you sleep well or not.

Nightwear is also a factor determining the quality of your sleep. Wear comfortable and sweat absorbent materials.

One question to ask now: How old is your mattress?

You may not care, but did you know that the life of a mattress is only 9-10 years, and it is the best quality mattress for your sleep.

There’s a saying that we’ve just summarized the following: find a mattress the way you look for a spouse: make sure it’s comfortable and supportive.

The same goes for your pillow, choose the one that is most comfortable for you to sleep better.

10. Naps

Believe it or not, naps are really very beneficial to help you sleep well at night

The people at HEALTH LINE report that “Another study noted that while napping for 30 minutes or less can enhance daytime brain function, longer naps can negatively affect health and sleep quality”.

See what works for you and if you really can’t stop taking naps, then keep them under 30 minutes.

11. Try Switching Your Sleep Position

Your sleep position plays a big role in your sleep quality, which means it might be time for you to switch it up.

Different sleep positions have different benefits. If you’re struggling with pain or other health issues, you might need to switch your sleep position in order to help manage it. And, while it might not be something you can do in one night, it can definitely be worth trying out.

Taking the time to gradually train yourself to sleep in a new position could be the secret to improving your sleep quality.

The bottom line

As you can see there are many things that you can try to help you sleep better and faster during the night.

On a final note, If you wake up often because of muscle cramps, usually in the legs then try eating some pickle in the evening. This is rich in electrolytes which help to keep the muscles relaxed.

How about you, do you have anything sleep related you want to share with us?

Tell us in the comments section below all your sleep related life hacks, tricks, and tips!

If you want to know more Health and Wellness like this, please visit our Health Tips for other article.

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I wish you great health, wealth and happiness. Seeing you in the next videos.

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