How To Make Salted Duck Eggs A-Z: Traditional Dried Method, Easy And Clean | UGOOD

How To Make Salted Duck Eggs A-Z: Traditional Dried Method, Easy And Clean


Today’s article shares with you how to make salted duck eggs. This method is not only clean, tidy, but also a high successful rate. Here is the content:

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Health benefits of salted duck eggs:

1. High Protein:

There are 9 grams of protein/ one salted egg. Which is certainly very good for the health of our body. Protein can build muscle, maintain body fitness and good for our body health.

2. Improve the function of red blood cells:

Increase the content of red blood cells in the body and also good to prevent bleeding.

4. Good for skin:

With this vitamin E content, then our skin will become brighter, shine and also become more refined.

5. Maintain bone health and prevent bone disorders:

salted duck eggsContain enough phosphorus and calcium to help maintain health and also help our bone growth.

6. The salted duck eggs Maintain eye health:

Salted eggs also contain vitamin A. Vitamin A is one type of vitamin is very good for maintaining eye health.

7. Good for brain development:

Salted eggs also have omega 3 content. Omega 3 is one of the substances that are very important to to help the development of the brain.

8. Rich in Antioxidants:

They are one of the important ingredients that can ward off free radicals. This content can prevent the emergence of disease, one of which is cancer.


Who should not eat much salted duck eggs:

1.Patients with Hyperlipidemia:

During the pickling process of salted duck eggs, the protein in the egg yolk is gathered together to become Egg butter. Since cholesterol intake directly affects human plasma cholesterol levels, the presence of egg butter in salted duck eggs makes hyperlipidemia patients greatly increase.

2. Pregnant women:

Sodium content of salted duck eggs is extremely high. For pregnant women, eating duck eggs will undoubtedly increase the body’s salt intake and make the already serious limb edema worse.

3. Children:

Most children under one year of age do not need additional salt in their diet.

4. High blood pressure people:

Affected by sodium ion concentration in salt egg, blood volume will also increase, which is very unfavourable to the health of people with hypertension.

Tips you should follow for successful salt duck eggs. Some notes before you start:

  • Duck eggs: You can choose standard duck eggs, free range duck eggs. The best ones are organics duck eggs.
  • If you are in a place where duck eggs are not available, you can replace with chicken eggs.
  • White wine and any other wines are fine. However, a higher concentration is better
  • Normal salt or refined salt is fine.
  • If you don’t have food wrap, you can use plastic bags or ziplock bags.
  • Eggs break easily, so handle them with care during the entire process; any micro-cracks will ruin your salted eggs.
  • Morning sun to sunbathe the eggs is important steps to make the salt duck
  • eggs more delicious.

How To Make Salt Duck Eggs A-Z: It Is Dried Method, Easy To And Clean


Making Salted eggs Ingredients:

  • Duck eggs: 20
  • Table salt: 150gr
  • Wine (baijiu, white wine, red wine, shochu,…): 150ml
  • Food wrap

Stage 1: Clean the eggs

  1. Rinse the duck eggs with cold water. You can use dishwashing pads to scrub gently on the eggshell to remove dirt. Do not soak eggs in water for long.
  2. After washing, wipe the eggs with a clean cloth
  3. Arrange the eggs on basket and let them dry under the sun for about 2 hours. Turn the egg every hour. Note: This step should not be skipped. Because this step help the salted egg yolks more red and create the oily york when finish.
  4. After finishing sunbath, bring the eggs to cool at room temperature.

Step 2: Marinate the eggs

  1. Place the wine into a cup.
  2. Place salt to a plate (deep inside one)
  3. Dip dried duck eggs in wine, roll all over to wet the egg.
  4. Then put the eggs in a salt plate. Roll the salt to stick around the egg shell. Make sure to cover salt all over the surface of the egg.
  5. Wrap the salt covered eggs with plastic wrap. If you use ziplock bags, you can put 3 or 4 eggs into 1 bag. When zipping, make sure to deflate the air inside the bag.
  6. Follow the procedure until finish the eggs.


Step 3: Sunbath the eggs

  • Then, arrange eggs in a basket, bring them out in the light sun for 1 day. This is the tips of experience salted duck egg makers. Help the eggs once more sunbathing.
  • Sun exposure will help the yolks become more oily after they are salted. Eggs yolks will be much red and delicious. (You should not skip this step.)

Step 4: Salt the eggs

  1. Prepare a glass jar or a plastic container with a lid. Put the eggs in the jar or container as you can see in the above photo.
  2. Leave the egg container in a cool place for 20 to 30 days. The longer the time, the more salty the egg whites and the firmer the egg yolks.

Step 5: Preserving the salted duck eggs

  1. After 20 days or 30 days, remove the plastic wrap. Use tissue paper remove the salt from eggshell. This step avoid them becoming too salty (don’t wash). Put in the sealed jar or plastic containers. Store it in the refrigerator.
  2. You can store salted duck eggs for 1 to 2 months in the refrigerator without being spoilage.
  3. When using, take the salt duck eggs out, wash and make delicious dish.


How to prepare salted duck eggs

Recipes 1: Boiled:

Put salted eggs in the pot with some water and cook the eggs for 8 to 10 minutes.

Recipes 2: Steamed:

Put the salted duck eggs in the steamer and steam for 20 minutes. The eggs will cook well and tasty.

Then take it out and use a knife to split the salt egg. Use a spoon to scoop each serving with delicious white porridge or rice.

Recipes 3: Use salt duck egg yolk, remove the whites:

If you just want to use the salted duck eggs yolk for cooking. Break the salted egg, remove the white, and save the yolk. Then bring the salted egg yolk to steam or bake for 7 minutes.

Hope you will successfully make this salt duck egg recipe. If you want to know more recipes with Tips like this, please visit DIY of UGOOD.

Wishing you health, wealth and happiness. See you in the next topics.

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