How to make Preserved Kumquats in Salt recipe | UGOOD

How to make Preserved Kumquats in Salt recipe which can keep up to 8 years and Kumquat Honey Tea


In this article we share with you how to make longtime preserved kumquats in salt (preserved mandarin orange in salt) without mold, spoilage. Leave as long as 8 years for a salt Kumquats jar. The longer it is left, the more precious it is. Then I will show you how to make delicious Preserved Kumquats in Salt tea with honey and cure very well.

In the past, I had a problem with a jar Preserved Kumquats in Salt just because one spoiled fruit unfortunately ruined the whole jar. But now I would like to share my experience how not to encounter that situation anymore. You will surely have a delicious jar of Preserved Kumquats in Salt until 8 or 10 years from now.

The nutritional value of kumquat:

  • Help spleen
  • clear the lungs
  • eliminate phlegm
  • treat colds
  • relieve alcohol

Fruits contain vitamins A, C, B1, B11, and calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc …

Some Japanese studies said that kumquats have the effect of:

  • lowering cholesterol
  • stabilizing the vessel wall
  • and is beneficial for people with high blood pressure.

Scientists at the US National Institutes of Health said that kumquats are rich in antioxidants containing proanthocyanidins, which help:

  • prevent bacteria
  • reduce urinary tract infections
  • and beneficial for prostate cancer patients.

According to folk experience, this fruit can be used to treat common ailments such as:

  • sore throats
  • coughs
  • obstructions
  • colds.

When the weather turns cold, drinking a glass of Preserved Kumquats in Salt tea with honey will clear your throat quickly.

How to make Preserved Kumquats in Salt recipe which can keep up to 8 years


  • Thick-skinned fresh kumquat: 1,200g
  • Sea salt: 1,000g

Note when choosing Kumquat:

  • Do not choose the Kumquat on the tree which we bought for Lunar New Year decoration to make Preserved Kumquats in Salt. These fruits were sprayed with overgrown stimulants. Preserve these fruit salt will harm our health.
  • Should choose kumquat with thick skin, big size, less sweet. Orange color.
  • The fruit is large, long square and round, making a very beautiful salted kumquat. The small size fruit, the final result is tiny and not so delicious.
  • The more bags of oil on the shell surface, the more fragrant it will be.


How to make preserved kumquat in salt:

Day 1:

  • If the kumquat stalk is long, cut it, but do not cut the flesh because it will bleed during the soaking process and damage the whole salt preserved kumquat jar.
  • Gently wash clogged under cold running water for 10 minutes to remove all pesticides and plant protection.
  • Then take out the basket. Leaving to dry overnight

Days 2 to 7:

  • Use a ceramic or glass bowl, add a lot of salt to the bowl of kumquat.
  • Leave it on for a week, do not cover anything. You will see water coming out.
  • Everyday use dry chopsticks or spoon to stir the kumquat and salt.
  • During this time, the spoiled or moldy fruits will be easy to spot, and you can discard them.

How to make Preserved Kumquats in Salt recipe which can keep up to 8 years and Making Kumquat Honey Tea


Day 8:

  • Pour this old layer of salt, check all the kumquat. Eliminate damaged, moldy, crushed fruits.
  • Prepare a dry, sterile glass bottle.
  • Pour a layer of salt on the bottom of the jar
  • Add a layer of citrus fruits, then a layer of salt, a layer of citrus. Just like that until the end.
  • Note, the salt must be covered with citrus fruits and thick enough to not stick the kumquat out at all.
  • Finally, cover with a thick layer of salt
  • Close the jar – label the date – find a cool place in the house and let it sit for ½ years (6 months).
  • After 6 months, you will see the juice will come out in the salt preserved kumquat Open to check, if the top of the salt melts and the kumquat sticks out, you add more salt to cover the surface.
  • Tilt and rotate the jar from time to time to soak the brine evenly. Over time, the kumquat juices will be released from the citrus fruits and soaked with salt. Citrus will continue to lose water, shrink and appear darker in color. Salted kumquats can last for many years.


Some benefits and precautions when using salt kumquat:

  • The longtime preserved kumquat in salt is, the more valuable. The perennial taste will soften and the effectiveness will greatly increase.
  • Mix salt preserved kumquat salt hot water, honey and fresh lemon, can treat cough, tonic lungs and clear throat extremely well.
  • Note: milk or dairy products should not be used within 1 to 2 hours before and after taking salted kumquat juice. Because the lactose in milk combine with the salt kumquat will curd and will lose the effect of both dishes.

How to make a glass of of salt-kumquat tea:

  • Put few tablespoons of honey and 1 glass of hot water
  • Put in 1 or 2 salted preserved kumquats.
  • Add some fresh lemon slices.
  • Use a spoon or chopstick to crush the kumquat to light pound the fruit.
  • Mix together and drink.

If you make a jar of preserved kumquat in salt each year, maybe you will have a jar of 8 years-old salt kumquat just like me. It is very valuable.

Wishing you health, wealth and happiness. See you in the next recipe.

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