How to make green plum extract Korean style: Fermentation - Filtering – Preservation plum syrup | UGOOD

How to make green plum extract Korean style: Fermentation – Filtering – Preservation plum syrup

This article share with you How to make Delicious Green plum extract: Korean Style. If you follow this recipe, you can keep the green plum syrup so long without any mold.

Have you heard about this recipe before? Go to the kitchen and make a healthy green plum extract for the family.

Table of contents:

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Green plum Extract benefits:

  • Rich in Vitamin A: helps brighten eyes
  • Contain lots of vitamin C and antioxidants, help beautiful skin
  • Green plum syrup made for a long time helps to clean the throat very well
  • Reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, reduce bad cholesterol

Green plums have many types, popular in Asia. They are blue and small fruits. In western countries, it calls Apricot and the color is yellow and the fruit is large.


How to make green plum extract Korean style:

Making green plum syrup Ingredients:

  • Green plums: 10kg (~22 lbs)
  • Brown sugar: 10kg (~22 lbs)
  • Vinegar: 300ml (~10 oz)
  • Big jar (plastic or glass)

Making Homemade green plum extract:

Stage 1: Prepare the green plum

  • Pick up spoiled or rotten plum
  • Use a toothpick or a special tool to remove the dried green plum stem. Here often clings to the soil, should be removed to avoid spoilage during soaking.
  • Soak apricots in water mixed with vinegar for 30 minutes.
  • Then rinse 3 times with water.
  • Let plum dry. You can leave about ½ day to 1 day to dry completely.


Stage 2: Ferment the Green plum

Day 1:

  • Save 2kg (~2.2lbs) of sugar for later use. We will use 8kg (~17.7lbs) of sugar to ferment the green plums.
  • Using white wine and a cheese cloth, wipe the surface of the prepared jar to avoid bacteria. Let the jar dry for 10 minutes.
  • Put a layer of sugar in the bottom of the jar
  • Then arrange one layer of green plums. Follow with a layer of sugar.
  • Repeat the process until finish the green plums.
  • On the top, pour a thick layer of sugar to limit air into the plums.
  • Close the lid tightly, keep in a dark but airy place.

Day 3:

  • Open the lid of the plum jar.
  • Cover the melted sugar surface. Using the saved sugar.
  • Then close the lid again


Day 6:

  • Open the lid of the jar and continue to add sugar to the areas where the sugar is melted
  • Continue to close the lid

Day 14:

  • Open the lid and at this time you will see a lot of sugar melted.
  • Stir well until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Then close the lid
  • Wrap plastic around the lid to prevent air from getting inside the jar

Day 100:

At this time, the soaking process is complete

The green plums shrivel and the green plum extract is beautiful and golden yellow. 


Stage 3: Extract The Green Plum Syrup

  • Use a filter to filter green plum extract to separate
  • Store in glass jars and seal tightly. Can save the whole year

How to make plum wine from fermented green plums:

  • The left over fermented green plum. Place in a clean glass jar
  • Add white wine or shochu.
  • Soak for 2 to 3 weeks to get 1 jar of healthy green plum wine. It is delicious.
  • Can keep this wine for long time.

How to make use of the flesh of fermented plums:

  • If you don’t like drinking plum wine, then I show you another way to use this fermented plums to make a delicious dish.
  • Remove the plums to the basket to drain the fruits.
  • Use a knife to separate the plum flesh from the seed. Discard the seeds.
  • Put the plum meat in a glass jar.
  • Add green plum extract to cover apricot meat
  • Cover the jar and store it in the refrigerator.
  • You can make plum extract drink and add a little soaked plum meat to enhance the delicious taste.


How to make a glass of green plum syrup drink:

  • Put some green plum syrup in a glass
  • Add some slides of fresh fruit
  • Add a little mineral water or sparkling soda
  • Put some ice in the glass.
  • Stir well and enjoy.
How to make green plum extract Korean style-Fermentation – Filtering – Preservation plum syrup
Finished products: Very tasty

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Also, check out more healthy homemade recipes like this on DIY of UGOOD.

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Wishing you health, wealth and happiness. See you in the next article.

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