How To Get Rid Of Constipation Naturally And Fast | UGOOD

How To Get Rid Of Constipation Naturally And Fast


In today’s video we share a list of 11 ways to get rid of constipation fast, by healing underlying health problems.

Constipation is a common problem and is usually caused by poor nutrition, a weak stomach or chemical imbalances in the body.

Carrying too much waste can cause toxins to leak into your body which weakens your immune system, makes you gain unhealthy weight and heightens the risk of bowel cancer later in life.

If you haven’t used the toilet for more than 2 days, then it is likely you are constipated and may begin to experience bloating, pain, discomfort and gas.

Table of contents:

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11 Ways To Get Rid Of Constipation Fast And Naturally

1. Lemon Water


Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into 1 litre of mineral water and drink this throughout the day. This is one of the most effective cures for constipation as the vitamin C helps to bring water into the gut, soften stools and stimulate a bowel movement. The citric acid also helps you to break down foods that you eat for better digestion.

2. Sauerkraut

This is a form of fermented cabbage which is rich in friendly bacteria called probiotics.

These help to reduce gas production and help to break down waste in the gut. They also boost acetylcholine levels, a chemical which causes the muscles in the colon to squeeze with more force, helping to push out digested foods much easier. Consume this daily to heal underlying digestive problems.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Consuming too many sugars and junk foods weakens the stomach acids, which leads to constipation. Taking a tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before each meal brings the stomach acids Ph. Level back to normal.

This helps you to break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats much better by stimulating bile from the gallbladder and enzymes from the pancreas.

4. Germinated Nuts

If you eat lots of raw nuts, then these may be the cause of your constipation. Raw nuts contain enzyme inhibitors which slow down digestion and also contain lots of insoluble fibre which is hard to digest. You can germinate nuts by them soaking in water overnight and dry them out in low temperatures in the oven. This makes them easy to break down in the digestive tract, and may ease your constipation.

If you are lazy to read, watch the video How To Get Rid Of Constipation Naturally And Fast

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5. Avocado

This is a great source of magnesium, an important mineral which relaxes the muscles around the intestinal wall. This speeds up digestion by advancing stools through the intestines. It is also rich in healthy polyunsaturated fats which improve energy levels and heart health.


6. Black Coffee

Drinking 1 cup of black coffee in the morning on an empty stomach is an effective way to trigger a bowel movement. The caffeine in coffee and it’s polyphenols help to stimulate muscle contraction in the intestines. This should be kept to a minimum however, as too much caffeine can have the opposite effect.


7. Aerobic Exercise

Performing some simple exercises such as star jumps or long walks helps to speed up the metabolism and aid digestion. Getting the heart pumping faster improves blood flow to the intestinal muscles. You will often feel the urge to use the toilet after only 10 minutes of exercise.

8. Potassium

With poor digestion we tend to absorb less minerals which are very important for our health. You can take potassium citrate to help eliminate more waste from the body and enhance nutrient absorption into your cells. Foods like Beet Tops, Swiss Chard and Avocados are the richest natural sources of potassium.


9. Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is an age old remedy for treating constipation, as it is said to lubricate the insides of the bowel. It also makes stools retain more water, making them softer and easier to pass. One tablespoon of olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach is recommended.

10. Water


In rare cases constipation may be caused by not consuming enough water through the day. Try increasing the amount of water you drink per day by 500ml and see if this helps. We recommend using a good quality bottled mineral water from a volcanic source to provide healing trace minerals.

11. Fruit

There are certain fruits which can improve digestion due to their high soluble fibre content and phytonutrients. We recommend blackberries, pineapple and kiwi. These fruits contain natural occurring enzymes which help your stomach in breaking down foods and passing stools.

As you can see there are many foods and supplements that you can take to relieve constipation quickly.

If you suffer with constipation long term, then you may wish to introduce probiotic supplements and digestive enzymes into your diet. These help your food to break down naturally, giving your body a healthy, yet natural boost.

It is important to fix chronic constipation as quickly as possible, as it is very dangerous

for your health and causes inflammation throughout the body.

Those who have suffered with bowel cancer are more likely to have had bouts of chronic constipation in the past.

We recommend avoiding laxative drugs if possible as these may have side effects in the long term, however these are useful on rare occasions.

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