Banana Tea For A Good Night’s Sleep, Use Banana Or Dried Banana Peels For Natural Sleep Remedy | UGOOD

Banana Tea For A Good Night’s Sleep, Use Banana Or Dried Banana Peels For Natural Sleep Remedy

Are you having trouble getting a good night’s sleep? But don’t want to grab a sleeping pill. Then we show how to make banana tea for natural sleep remedy.

With all the stress around us, it can be hard to fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling rested.

What happen when you don’t get enough sleep?

  • you lose out on what your body can do to work properly.
  • the cognitive thinking skills get worse
  • your motor skills slow down
  • your energy drops

One of the most important that you’re at more risk for diseases and health conditions like:

  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • and cancer

You’ll feel better, work better, and block disease by getting at least eight hours of sleep each night.

Table of contents:

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Disadvantages of using sleeping pills

Don’t use more sleeping pills. Because this can come along with:

  • Dizziness
  • Constipation
  • stomach pain
  • a hard time paying attention
  • memory problems
  • and harm to the central nervous system.

Related article: 11 Tips To Sleep Better And Faster At Night

Banana tea’s benefits

Let’s think about the soothing value of banana, the banana peel, and cinnamon. This is a great way to push insomnia and other sleeping disorders aside. Bananas are full of:

  • potassium
  • and magnesium.

Most people do not know that the banana peel has even more potassium and magnesium than the banana, and they just throw it away. Not anymore after this article!


With this simple recipe, you can get the help from the potassium and magnesium in the banana peel. Potassium and magnesium are helpful to the nervous system and are great for soothing the muscles. In fact, magnesium is the most important mineral to ease muscles and can lessen muscle cramps and other aches and pains.


Cinnamon is great because it evens out blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels are even, your hormones can work in a way that lets you sleep better. If your blood sugar levels are off, then you may have energy at night, or be tired during the day.

In this article I will show you 2 Ways To Make Banana Tea. The 1st method is to make tea with fresh bananas and cinnamon and the 2nd one is to make tea from dried banana peels. You can choose the most convenient and suitable way for your family.

How to make Banana Tea For A Good Night’s Sleep

Some notes before you make banana tea

  • If you can buy organic bananas then it is the best option. Because conventionally grown bananas are heavily sprayed with pesticides.
  • Before make banana tea, you should wash the whole banana with water thouroughly.
  • Using salt water to soak and wash banana. This is a way to remove pesticides.

Related article: 7 Ways To Simply Clean And Remove Pesticides From Your Fruits And Vegetables

Method 1: Make Fresh banana and cinnamon tea

You will need:

  • 1 organic banana (with peel)
  • 1 small pot of water
  • A sprinkle of cinnamon (if you’d like)
  • 500ml (~17oz) water

How to make whole fresh banana tea:

  • Cut off both ends of the banana (top and bottom)
  • Put the banana into a pot of boiling water. It’s even better if the water is spring water or filtered in some way.
  • Boil it for about 10 minutes.
  • Sprinkle some cinnamon in the water as well. Strain out
  • If you’d like to add some stevia for sweetening, do so. Stevia helps to even out blood sugar levels, and will not raise blood sugar levels before bed.
  • Add more cinnamon if you’d like, and enjoy!

Whole banana tea is naturally sweetened, the taste is nice. However, it does contain sugar that might raise blood glucose levels. If you are diebetic or in intermittent fasting routine, and don’t want to consuming much sugar.  Then you could consider dried banana peels tea.

Method 2: Make Dried banana peel tea

How to Dry Banana Peels For Making Tea

We will use the peels bananas. Remember, you should wash the whole banada thouroughly before peeling.

One banana peel usually makes about 3 tablespoons of dried peel. Which is the amount to make a single cup of tea.

Using a dehydrator

  • just chop them up
  • place them in single layer
  • and dry at 70*C (~ 155F) for 6-8 hours.

Using oven

  • Preheat the oven about 80*C (~ 176F).
  • Chop up the peels
  • and place them in a single layer on a baking sheet.
  • Dry them for 2-3 hours,
  • then flip them over and place them back in the oven until they’re dried through.

It should be around 2-3 hours for the second drying session, which makes the total drying time around 4-6 hours.

Sun dry

  • Chop up the peels
  • and place them in a single layer on a baking sheet or baskets
  • Dry them for 2 days.
  • then flip them over and dry them until dried through (about 2 days more)

How to make Dried banana peel tea

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons dried banana peel
  • 1¼ cup water
  • 1 cinnamon stick (optional)

How to make:

  • Place peel, cinnamon stick (if using) and water in a small pot and bring to a boil.
  • Cover, reduce heat and simmer on low for 8-10 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and strain out the peel.
  • Add sweetener if desired before serving.

If you like the article, then share it with your friends! We also have an article about sleep remedies: Garlic Clove Is Magic Sleep Remedies: Sleep Like Baby With A Garlic Under Your Pillow. You can read on our Health Tips site.

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Wishing you health, wealth and happiness. See you in the next topics.

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