15 Tips To Get Rid Of Bloating In 15 Minutes And Show You How To Make Drink To Reduce Bloating | UGOOD

15 Tips To Get Rid Of Bloating In 15 Minutes And Show You How To Make Drink To Reduce Bloating


Are you looking for tips to get rid of bloating? Do you suddenly feel like your pants are getting tighter or your stomach is about to explode? If you’re not the kind of person who normally eats a lot, or if you can get full on small portions, feeling bloated isn’t normal for you.

Bloating can have many causes:

  • being intolerant to certain foods,
  • stomach allergies that irritate the mucous membranes,
  • or even digestive problems.

So it makes sense that lots of people that suffer from bloating are lactose intolerant.

Apart from paying more attention to what you eat and how your diet affects your stomach, there are other things that you can do to get rid of bloating. Follow the tips we’re about to give you in this article to lessen this uncomfortable feeling.

If you’re not constipated, consuming more fiber may actually worsen your situation. People with normal bowel movements should temporarily avoid fiber rich foods. Especially if your bloating is accompanied by a lot of gas.

Table of contents:

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15 Tips To Get Rid Of Bloating In 15 Minutes

1.Chew slowly

Whenever you eat very quickly, you end up swallowing too much air every time you take a bite. Causing it to get stuck in your stomach and fight to get out.

The same thing happens whenever you drink through a straw

2. Cook your vegetables

Eating raw vegetables is better for our body than eating them cooked. But if you’re feeling very bloated, cooked vegetables are the best alternative.

Non-cooked foods can cause bloating, because they take longer to digest.

3. Avoid drinks that give you gas

Acidic or carbonated drinks can be prejudicial to your health, especially if you’re struggling with bloating:

  • Coffee,
  • tea,
  • juice,
  • and alcoholic beverages

are all examples of drinks that can give you gas.

Sodas that are made with artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol and xylitol also have the same effect.

4. Get plenty of asparagus

Asparagus contains prebiotics, and those feed good bacteria. As a result, you have good digestion and help to get rid of bloating. This supports lowering the odds that you’ll have bloat. Try adding asparagus to your meals weekly.


5. Have some pineapple

Simply eat it sliced up as a snack, or add it to dishes for an extra burst of flavor. Pineapple contains enzymes called bromelain and papain that help banish bloat by breaking down protein and easing digestion.

6. Avoid fatty foods

Fried and fatty foods are the hardest to digest, and because of this, they irritate your stomach and make it feel heavy.

There are foods that contain fats that are beneficial to our bodies. And don’t cause bloating or indigestion, such as the avocado.

We recommend that you cut-back on your fatty food intake to get rid of bloating. And eat more fruits and vegetables.

7. Eat an early dinner

Eating late can increase the odds that you’ll be bloated because digestion slows down when you go to sleep. Eating earlier while you are still up and about helps food digest better.

8. Add more potassium into your diet

Potassium can help the kidneys get rid of salt, which may help with water retention. Foods are rich in Potassium:

  • Bananas,
  • Oranges
  • Strawberries

Related article: 8 Signs And Symptoms Of Potassium Deficiency And How Do You Feel The Difference

9. Fill up on probiotics

Yogurt is one of the easiest ways to get probiotics in your diet.

You can also eat fermented vegetables, like sauerkraut. Or things like kombucha and kefir—but be cautious. Because those products may also contain a lot of sugar, which can be counterproductive for GI health.

10. Sip mint or chamomile tea

Both mint and chamomile teas are known for relaxing your GI tract and help you to get rid of bloating. Make it a point to sip one in the morning to combat bloat before it even starts, or try having one when you’re already feeling bloated to help de-puff.

15 Tips To Get Rid Of Bloating In 15 Minutes And Show You How To Make Drink To Reduce Bloating


11. Increase your ginger intake

Ginger can help increase motility in your GI system, helps food pass more quickly through the digestive tract. You can try adding ginger to your tea or sprinkling it over foods for a kick of flavor.

12. Drink lemon water in the morning

Lemon water work as a subtle laxative to move stool out of the colon as well as a diuretic to flush out your kidneys. So they may keep you from getting constipated and retaining water—two major sources of bloating. Add a wedge of lemon to eight ounces of warm water every morning before breakfast to reap the benefits.

13. Give yourself a stomach massage

You could try your hand at some amateur abdominal massage to get rid of stomach bloating.

Here how basic massage:

  • Moving your fingertips in a circular motion over the abdomen,
  • starting on your lower right side and traveling clockwise up to your rib cage,
  • then across and down to your pelvis.

14. Food allergies

You should also make sure that your bloating isn’t being caused by any allergy or intolerance that you may have. Since lactose intolerant people often have this problem.

They don’t have the necessary enzyme to break up the sugar present in lactose. Therefore, they feel discomfort and swelling. In that case it’s best to avoid milk and its derivatives to get rid of bloating.

15. Work up a (light) sweat

There are two reasons why a short walk—especially after eating a big meal—can significantly reduce bloating:

  • First, exercise increases the motility of your colon, which reduces the amount of time your stool sits in your belly making gas.
  • Secondly, exercise increases your heart and respiratory rates, which also increases blood flow to the guts

This encourages your bowel muscles to work harder to push stool out.

To lessen the discomfort caused by your diet, try using the recipe we are about to show you. We are going to teach you how to make a drink that lessens stomach discomfort quickly and efficiently:

Making Home remedy Drink that lessens stomach discomfort quickly

15 Tips To Get Rid Of Bloating In 15 Minutes And Show You How To Make Drink To Reduce Bloating


You will need:

  • Papaya: 140 g
  • Aloe vera gel: 1 tablespoon
  • Dried fennel seeds: 1 tablespoon
  • Water: 1 cup

How to make drink to get rid of stomach bloating:

Let the fennel seeds steep for 20 minutes.

Once the time is up, blend the fennel seed infusion with the papaya and aloe vera gel for a few seconds, then drink the mixture.

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Wishing you health, wealth and happiness. See you in the next topics.

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