12 Cancer-Causing Foods You Should Not Eat And That May Increase Cancer Risk | UGOOD

12 Cancer-Causing Foods You Should Not Eat And That May Increase Cancer Risk


In this article, we share with you some cancer causing foods you should try to avoid in your diet. Did you know that each week, over 3,000 Canadians are diagnosed with some form of cancer? It’s not easy news to get. It affects everyone around you and some of the hardest times for the patient lie ahead. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

If people are well informed, Having a healthy diet is a good start. And avoiding cancer-causing foods is a good addition. Aside from death, many people are scared to go to chemotherapy when they learn they have cancer.

The reason is that this treatment is grueling and puts the body through hell.

  • The first side effect is nausea and vomiting. This occurs almost immediately after the treatment starts.
  • Another side effect is hair loss. This is why you see people shave their heads before they start the treatment. It removes the element of shock. Because thi symptom can occur within the first couple of weeks of treatment.

Sometimes the healthiest people end up developing cancer. But this doesn’t mean people should eat whatever they want and live an unhealthy lifestyle.

Eating a healthy diet that is full of nutrients will not only improve your health. But will also help reduce the risk of developing certain diseases.

Table of contents:

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12 Cancer causing foods you should try to avoid in your diet

1.Non-Organic Vegetables and Fruits

Crops that are conventionally grown and induced with:

  • pesticides,
  • GMO seeds,
  • and herbicides.

All three of these chemicals are dangerous for your health. Because they contain carcinogens.


2. Sugar

If you have a sweet tooth, you might want to try and cut down. Cancer cells feed off of sugar. What sugar does is it feeds tumors and encourages cancer cells to grow.

Sugar can also be a risk factor for heart disease for people. Who have diabetes or other conditions related to diabetes (such as high blood fat levels).

This is because sugar can increase blood sugar levels and triglycerides, which are a type of fat found in the blood. Sugar is also very high in calories.

If you tend to drink a lot of soft drinks or foods which are very high in sugar, you may be consuming more calories than you think you are. This can lead to weight gain and even obesity in people. Who are already significantly overweight.

3. Grilled Meat

Nothing is better than cooking grilled meat under a nice fire. But what if I told you that this can increase your chances of getting cancer?

Well, it’s true!

Cooking meat under a fire can create carcinogenic compounds called heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

According to research and studies done on animals, these dangerous chemicals have been shown to cause cancer.


4. BPA Lined Cans

A lot of the major food companies coat the lining of their canned foods with Bisphenol A (BPA).

According to studies done on human and animal cells, BPA has been linked to several health issues. These include:

  • cancer,
  • infertility,
  • obesity,
  • and diabetes.

BPA is also found in many different types of hard plastics. These types of plastics include:

  • water bottles,
  • eyeglass lenses,
  • baby bottles,
  • sports equipment,
  • and much more.

BPA can leach into water and food supplies and pose a risk to our overall health. Although some studies state that the current levels of BPA found in certain products do not pose a danger to human beings. Some research does suggest that over exposure to BPA can lead to:

  • male impotence,
  • fertility problems,
  • heart disease,
  • and other health issues.

5. Farm Fish

A lot of the fish that you get at the grocery store come from a farm. You might think that it’s safer to get your fish from a farm instead of the wild. Unfortunately, you’d be mistaken.

Fish contains high levels of omega-3. Wild fish get their omega-3 from the aquatic plants in the water.

Farmed fish are fed an unnatural, high-corn diet which includes other pollutants and chemicals. Some of these chemicals also include pesticides which help prevent sea lice from spreading.


6. Hydrogenated Oils

You increase your chance of developing breast cancer of you constantly consume hydrogenated oils.

In order to prevent the product from going bad, manufacturers have processed the oil. By creating a chemical reaction with hydrogen.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, the trans fats that are in hydrogenated oils also promote inflammation and immune system over-activity. These have been linked to health issues that include:

  • heart diseases,
  • diabetes,
  • and cancer.

7. Smoked Foods

Smoked meats contain harmful carcinogens called nitrates and nitrites. That help prevent it from spoiling.

But when the smoked meat is cooked, those nitrates and nitrites turn into N-nitroso compounds. Which include nitrosamines and nitrosamides. N-nitroso compounds can increase your risk of developing cancer.

The health risks associated with these types of carcinogens includes:

  • stomach infections and cancer,
  • increased risk for stroke and/ or diabetes,
  • an elevated level of sodium in a person’s diet,
  • and more.

If you enjoy smoked meat and are searching for an alternative, you can use certain seasonings that can help add more flavor to meat. You can also marinate your meat.


8. Microwaved Popcorn

There is no better snack to enjoy while watching a movie than popcorn. But if you’re consuming microwaved popcorn, you might want to rethink that decision. Microwave popcorn is one of the cancer-causing foods.  The bags are lined with:

  • Perfluoroalkyls,
  • perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)
  • and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS).

These are used to prevent the oil from seeping through the package when it’s heating up. Unfortunately when you heat up the bagged popcorn. These chemicals end up in the popcorn.

In many studies, PFOA has been associated with tumors in animal organs. Not to mention the PFOA plant workers are also at risk of developing prostate cancer as well.

9. Soft Drinks and Sports Drinks

Studies have confirmed that there is a link between cancer and soft drinks like soda. They can increase the insulin production in the pancreas. Which can double the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

Not to mention most soft drinks and sports drinks contain no nutritional value. And also rob your body of its essential vitamins and minerals.


10. Soy Protein Isolate

According to statistics, between 90 to 95 percent of all US-grown soybeans. That are used to create soy protein isolate are genetically altered.

The American Dietetic Association confirms that soy protein isolates contain anti-nutrients. That can delay the body’s ability to digest and absorb nutrients.

If the body is unable to digest and absorb nutrients, it won’t be able to properly fight developing cancer cells.

11. White Flour

If you’re buying commercially-grown white flour, you should know how it’s processed:

  • The seeds are treated with fungicide.
  • Then they are sprayed with pesticides.
  • After that, they are stored in bins that are coated with insecticides.

All of these chemicals increase the load of toxins in your body.

To ensure that the flour stays white, the flour is mixed with chlorine oxide in the form of chlorine gas. This is one of the top cancer-causing foods. Also, during the manufacturing process, white flour is stripped of the wheat kernel that is responsible for slowing its digestion.

This makes it very easy for your body to turn the white flour into blood sugar. So the next time you think of buying white flour, don’t do it!


12. Processed Foods

As we have mentioned already with smoked meats, processed foods also contain nitrates and nitrites. That can increase the risk of you developing stomach cancer and other cancers.

A lot of processed foods also contain large amounts of white flour. Which we just mentioned goes through a dangerous process. And contains many harmful chemicals.

  • Processed foods are also very high in certain healthy types of fats. And are huge contributors to obesity.
  • They are also usually very high in sugar, which is just empty calories that has no essential nutrients.
  • Processed foods are also engineered for overconsumption.

Food manufacturers spend a lot of resources on making food rewarding to people’s brains. Which can lead to overeating and over consumption. Resulting in weight gain and health issues associated with obesity and being overweight.

Processed foods also contain all sorts of different chemicals which are bad for our health. Just a few of these chemicals include preservatives, colorants, flavors, and textures.

When it comes down to it, processed foods are extremely low in nutrients, low in fiber, and high in carbohydrates. It is best to avoid them all together, or eat them in moderation.

Take away

If you are worried about your diet or your health, you should consult with your doctor to ensure that your health is in good shape.

You should also make sure that you are eating a diet that is rich in nutrients. While only eating “junk” food in moderation.

If you notice any new or unusual health issues, consult a doctor to rule out any possible health concerns.

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Wishing you health, wealth and happiness. See you in the next topics.

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