14 Health Symptoms Men Shouldn’t Ignore And Don’t Skip Check Up Or Delay Medical Assistance | UGOOD

14 Health Symptoms Men Shouldn’t Ignore And Don’t Skip Check Up Or Delay Medical Assistance


In today’s article, we will tell you symptoms in men that should not be ignored. Did you know that men are 50% less likely to visit their doctor as compared to women? When it comes to health, men’s issues stay suppressed or less spoken about. Many times, they tend to ignore their problems and refuse to seek help.

Men are more likely to skip checkup, delay medical assistance and ignore symptoms. Although sometimes, an itch is just an itch and a sore muscle is just a sore muscle. But when symptoms persist, or you start to notice certain patterns. It can signal that something more serious is going on.

Table of contents:

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14 Health Symptoms Men Shouldn’t Ignore

1. Shortness of breath

If you feel short of breath in your day to day routine, it is time. You should not take it lightly anymore. Though, issues and symptoms differ from one body to another. But certain signs like breathlessness and exertion need to be taken seriously.

A sign of coronary ischemia

For instance, if you feel shortness of breath right after a light walk then it could be a sign of coronary ischemia. This is a situation where there is a complete or partial blockage of an artery that carries blood to your heart.

If you feel any of the symptoms like pressure and tightness in your chest, extreme shortness of breath and dizziness. Then you should consult your doctor immediately.

2. Bloody or black stools

Bowel movements usually differ in colour due to the foods that you eat and medications. But you need to pay attention when the stool turns out to be:

  • pale,
  • black,
  • or bloody.

This problem can be serious and may be a sign of bleeding in the upper digestive tract.

On the other hand, if the stool is bloody or maroon then it may indicate bleeding in the lower digestive tract. If you frequently notice your stool like this, it’s time to take it seriously. This could be a sign of haemorrhoids, bleeding or ulcers.

And if you notice unusual changes in the colour of your stool, contact your doctor right away.

3. Dizziness

Dizziness can cause to men if you feel:

  • light-headed,
  • become unsteady on your feet,
  • or experience the sensation that the room is spinning around you.

It occurs when there is not enough blood reaching the brain. This may result from a sudden drop in blood pressure or dehydration.

Dizziness often accompanies health problems like the flu, allergies, or hypoglycemia. It could also indicate a serious health risk like:

  • heart disease,
  • stroke,
  • or shock.

Related article: Don’t Ignore These 8 Warning Signs Of A Heart Attack Your Body Gives You A Month Before


4. Excessive snoring

Is your own snoring waking you or your partner up at night? That could be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. This disease can wake the snorer and interrupt their breathing. It may lead to problems like:

  • daytime fatigue and greater risk of high blood pressure,
  • irregular heartbeat,
  • heart attack,
  • and stroke.

If sleeping on your side or stomach doesn’t help, then it’s time for an appointment with a sleep specialist. Who can make the appropriate diagnosis.

Recommended treatments include a CPAP breathing device for continuous airway pressure, and similar devices.

5. Frequent heartburn

Occasional heartburn isn’t a crisis. But anyone having problems at least twice a week may have gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. GERD can cause:

  • inflammation,
  • bleeding,
  • ulcers of the esophagus,
  • and may lead to cancer
  • and precancerous conditions.

Lifestyle changes should reduce the incidents of heartburn. Try to avoid foods such as:

  • trans fats and oily foods out of the diet can help.
  • alcohol,
  • processed meats,
  • caffeinated beverages,
  • and certain other foods.

More severe cases may need to be treated with medications.

6. Excessive thirst

Staying hydrated is good for you, but constant thirst may indicate a health problem.

It’s one symptom of diabetes. The metabolic disease in which raised blood sugar induces thirst. So you drink enough water to eliminate excessive glucose.

Keep up with annual blood tests to assess glucose levels and monitor the potential insulin deficits of diabetes. If you have a family history of diabetes, you should have your blood sugar checked.

Excessive thirst may also be a symptom of:

  • internal bleeding,
  • infection,
  • or organ failure.

7. Trouble with vision

Eyesight is often a casualty of advancing age. Regular eye checkups can catch more serious

issues that might otherwise be hard to notice. It can be symptoms of worrisome eye conditions:

  • Blind spots,
  • blurry
  • and tunnel vision,
  • and
  • halos on lights

An exam to check eye pressure can help detect glaucoma or diagnose diseases like:

  • cataracts,
  • diabetic retinopathy,
  • and macular degeneration.

Vision problems are also sometimes related to stroke or the growth of a brain tumor. And if the volume is way up on that TV, it could be a problem with hearing loss. That’s something else you might want to have examined.


8. Frequent fatigue

A bad night’s sleep or physical exertion can leave anyone exhausted. But fatigue for an extended period of time is a red flag worth a trip to the doctor.

Prolonged tiredness can be a symptom of certain cancers and infections. Such as:

  • kidney disease,
  • liver disease
  • diabetes,
  • and congestive heart failure.

A sleep disorder is another possible trigger, as is a problem thyroid gland, anemia, and psychological conditions such as depression.

When it seems no amount of coffee is enough to get ready for the day, it’s likely time to see a physician.

9. Erectile dysfunction

Most men don’t want to talk or even think about erectile dysfunction or ED. But it could be a red flag for much more serious diseases.

If you are 45 to 50 and your only health issue is that. It doesn’t work in the bedroom the way that it used to. That’s a huge red flag.

ED may signal a lack of blood flow. Which indicates trouble in other parts of the body too. Such as the heart and the brain. If you develop this problem, it is likely to predict a heart attack or stroke in the next 10 years. As smoking or family history of heart disease.

10. Swollen or stiff joints

You might think experiencing stiff or swollen joints is due to all that extra yard work you did. But it can also be an indicator of bigger problems.

One thing you should never ignore is joint swelling and joint stiffness. This may occur anywhere throughout the body. It could be the hands and feet or knees. Oftentimes, it could be the start of benign degenerative arthritis or osteoarthritis.

But may underlie something more serious or detrimental. It may be the early signs of:

  • autoimmune arthritis,
  • immune system imbalance,
  • hormonal imbalance,
  • improper nutrition,
  • or physical deconditioning.

It is very important to have strong bones if you want to prevent diseases like arthritis.

11. Skin changes

Check with your doctor if you find a new and oddly shaped freckle or mole. Also check in if an existing mole changes in color or size or starts to bleed. These could all be signs of skin cancer. Men are constantly at risk for this disease. This is especially true if you’re often outdoors and don’t wear sunscreen.

Some forms of skin cancer are fatal. If found and treated early, though, many times it can be cured.


12. Frequent urination

Frequent urination can be a sign of diabetes. It can cause you to urinate frequently. Because your kidneys have to work overtime to eliminate excess sugar from your bloodstream.

Prostate problems can also cause frequent urination. Other symptoms of prostate problems include:

  • decreased flow while you’re urinating,
  • discomfort in the pelvic area,
  • and blood in your urine or semen.

Enlargement of the prostate, is another common condition among older men. Although it’s common, you shouldn’t ignore the symptoms. As they can be identical to the symptoms of other, more serious conditions.

13. Constipation

Occasional constipation is normal. Most people experience it from time to time, and it often becomes more common after age 50.

But chronic constipation can be more troubling. It can lead you to push and strain when you’re trying to have a bowel movement. This raises your chance of developing hemorrhoids, which can cause bleeding and discomfort around your rectum.

Chronic constipation may also be a sign that something is stopping your stool from exiting properly. A tumor, polyp, or kink in your intestines may be blocking your colon. You may also have an underlying condition that’s causing abnormal colon motility.

An early diagnosis is important so that you can rule out serious conditions. Such as colon cancer.

Related article: How To Get Rid Of Constipation Naturally And Fast


14. Persistent Cough

Most coughs will clear up within a week or so. But sometimes a chronic infection such as bronchitis may develop. However, persistent coughs may have a range of common causes:

  • from asthma to acid reflux,
  • sinusitis or side effects from medication such as ACE inhibitors,
  • used to treat high blood pressure.

See your doctor if you’ve had a cough for longer than three or four weeks.

If you’re a smoker, don’t avoid seeing your doctor because you don’t want to be told to stop. A ‘smoker’s cough’ can be a sign of COPD. This is a serious lung disease that will become extremely debilitating to men if untreated.

Other serious causes include:

  • lung cancer,
  • a blood clot on the lung
  • or heart problems.

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Wishing you health, wealth and happiness. See you in the next topics.

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